Author Archives: Terence Taylor

About Terence Taylor

TERENCE TAYLOR is an award-winning children's television writer whose work has appeared on PBS, Nickelodeon, and Disney, among many others. After a career of comforting young kids, he's now equally dedicated to scaring their parents. His short horror stories have been published in all three "Dark Dreams" horror/suspense anthologies. His first novel, "BITE MARKS: A Vampire Testament", came out in September of 2009. "BLOOD PRESSURE: A Vampire Testament", the second in the opening trilogy of the continuing Vampire Testaments, was released March 30th, 2010. He is hard at work on the close of the opening trilogy, “PAST LIFE: A Vampire Testament”.

Time Enough for Love?

It’s 3:24 AM. I’ve just finished writing a tough chapter for my latest novel, one I’ve been dancing around for weeks, because it’s the start of the heart of the book, a love story that ends in death. Having lost … Continue reading

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Picking Point of View

The subject of diversity in writing came up in a discussion among friends and the question arose -- who can write what? Continue reading

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Digesting Your Life

I recently had an e-mail exchange with a writer friend whose new soon to be published manuscript I’d just read. It was one of those fun favors, the latest in a book series I knew and enjoyed, by a writer … Continue reading

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The Power of Three

Recently a reader asked me for my opinion on why there are so many trilogies being published lately -- I have two answers, one short, one longer. You know me... Continue reading

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Talismans and Totems

It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I‘ve always been deep into -- shall we say, the esoteric? Continue reading

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A New Beginning

I've realized that aside from the books themselves, my life is on an interesting path new writers as well as my readers may find interesting... Continue reading

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